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Laws of Motion
Newton's Laws of Motion
Inertia, momentum, and conservation of momentum
Force, friction, and types of friction
Work, Energy, and Power
Definitions and units
Work-energy theorem, types of energy (kinetic, potential, etc.)
Conservation of energy, power
Newton’s law of gravitation
Acceleration due to gravity, variation with altitude and depth
Gravitational potential energy, escape velocity, orbital velocity
Satellites: artificial satellites and applications
Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
Definitions and characteristics of Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
Oscillations, pendulums, and springs
Time period, frequency, and amplitude
Properties of Matter
States of Matter
Solid, liquid, and gas: properties and characteristics
Plasma and Bose-Einstein condensate (introduction)
Stress and strain, Hooke's law
Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, and shear modulus
Fluid Mechanics
Properties of fluids, buoyancy, and Archimedes' principle
Pressure in fluids, Pascal's law, hydraulic machines
Bernoulli’s theorem and its applications
Viscosity and Surface Tension
Viscosity, Stokes’ law, terminal velocity
Surface tension, capillary action, applications
Heat and Thermodynamics
Temperature and Heat
Temperature scales: Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin
Heat capacity, specific heat, calorimetry
Modes of Heat Transfer
Conduction, convection, radiation
Thermal conductivity and applications
Laws of thermodynamics: Zeroth, First, Second, and Third laws
Concepts of entropy, enthalpy, and internal energy
Heat engines, refrigerators, Carnot engine
Thermal Expansion
Expansion of solids, liquids, and gases
Coefficient of linear, area, and volume expansion
Applications in daily life (e.g., railway tracks, bridges)
Waves and Sound
Types of Waves
Transverse and longitudinal waves
Wave properties: wavelength, frequency, amplitude, speed
Sound Waves
Production and propagation of sound
Speed of sound, factors affecting speed (medium, temperature)
Characteristics of sound: pitch, loudness, quality
Doppler effect and applications
Applications of Sound
Ultrasonics, sonar, and echolocation
Musical instruments and acoustics
Light and Optics
Nature and Properties of Light
Reflection and refraction of light, laws and principles
Speed of light in different media
Optical Instruments
Lenses and mirrors: convex, concave, and plane mirrors
Lens formula, mirror formula, and magnification
Human eye, microscope, telescope, and their workings
Dispersion, Scattering, and Colors
Dispersion of light through a prism, visible spectrum
Scattering of light, Tyndall effect, blue sky, and red sunset
Primary and secondary colors of light
Wave Optics
Interference, diffraction, and polarization
Applications in everyday life (e.g., anti-reflective coatings)
Electricity and Magnetism
Electric charge, Coulomb’s law, electric field
Electric potential, potential difference, and capacitors
Current Electricity
Electric current, Ohm’s law, resistance, and resistivity
Series and parallel circuits, applications of resistors
Electric power, heating effect of current
Magnets, magnetic field, magnetic lines of force
Earth’s magnetism, magnetic declination, and dip
Electromagnets and applications
Electromagnetic Induction
Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction
Lenz’s law, induced EMF, and applications
Transformer and its working principle
Modern Physics
Atomic Structure
Structure of the atom, discovery of electrons, protons, and neutrons
Bohr’s atomic model, atomic spectra, quantum numbers
Types of radioactive decay (alpha, beta, gamma)
Half-life, decay constant, applications of radioactivity
Nuclear fission and fusion, energy from nuclear reactions
X-rays and Cathode Rays
Discovery, properties, and applications of X-rays
Cathode ray tube and its applications (e.g., television)
Semiconductors and Electronics
Conductors, insulators, and semiconductors
Diodes, transistors, and basic electronic devices
Logic gates, applications in circuits
Electromagnetic Waves and Spectrum
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Types of electromagnetic waves: radio, microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-rays, gamma rays
Properties and applications of each part of the spectrum
Wave-Particle Duality
Photoelectric effect, photons, Planck’s hypothesis
Dual nature of light, applications in technology
Quantum Physics
Basics of Quantum Theory
Planck’s quantum theory, black-body radiation
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
Applications of Quantum Mechanics
Lasers, their types, and applications (medical, industrial, communication)
Quantum computing and cryptography (basic concepts)
Special Theory of Relativity
Concepts of space and time, mass-energy equivalence (E=mc²)
Time dilation and length contraction (basic understanding)
Physics in Everyday Life and Applications
Household Appliances
Working principles of common devices like bulbs, fans, refrigerators, microwaves
Medical Physics
MRI, X-ray imaging, ultrasound, radiation therapy
Communication Systems
Radio, television, mobile communication, optical fibers
Space Technology and Satellites
Basics of rockets, satellite orbits, GPS, remote sensing