1. Discovery of X-rays

  1. X-rays were discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895.
  2. Roentgen observed the emission of unknown rays during experiments with cathode rays in a vacuum tube.
  3. Named them “X-rays” because of their unknown nature at the time.
  4. He demonstrated their ability to pass through various materials and create shadows of dense objects.
  5. The discovery earned him the first-ever Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.

2. Properties of X-rays

  1. X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation with very short wavelengths (ranging from 0.01 nm to 10 nm).
  2. They have high energy and can penetrate most materials, depending on their density and thickness.
  3. X-rays travel in straight lines and do not require a medium for propagation.
  4. They exhibit properties of both waves (diffraction, interference) and particles (photoelectric effect).
  5. X-rays are invisible to the human eye but can be detected using photographic plates or modern detectors.
  6. They ionize gases and affect photographic film, which is utilized in X-ray imaging.
  7. Highly energetic X-rays can cause damage to living tissues and DNA.

3. Production of X-rays

  1. X-rays are produced when high-energy electrons collide with a metal target in a vacuum tube.
  2. The key components of an X-ray tube are the cathode (electron source) and the anode (target material, usually tungsten).
  3. When electrons are decelerated or deflected upon striking the target, they emit X-rays (Bremsstrahlung radiation).
  4. Characteristic X-rays are emitted when electrons knock out inner-shell electrons of the target atoms, causing outer electrons to fill the gaps.

4. Applications of X-rays

  1. Widely used in medical imaging for diagnosing fractures, infections, and tumors.
  2. Used in CT scans (Computed Tomography) for detailed imaging of internal body structures.
  3. Industrial applications include non-destructive testing (NDT) for detecting flaws in materials and structures.
  4. Used in security scanners at airports to inspect luggage and cargo.
  5. Employed in crystallography for studying atomic structures of materials.
  6. Applications in astronomy, such as studying high-energy phenomena like black holes and neutron stars.
  7. Utilized in radiation therapy for treating cancer by targeting and destroying cancerous cells.

5. Safety Measures

  1. Prolonged exposure to X-rays can be harmful, causing radiation sickness or DNA damage.
  2. Protective measures include using lead aprons, shields, and controlled exposure limits.
  3. Modern X-ray equipment incorporates safety protocols to minimize unnecessary exposure.

6. Significance of X-rays

  1. The discovery of X-rays revolutionized medicine, allowing non-invasive internal imaging.
  2. X-ray diffraction contributed to the discovery of the DNA double helix structure by Watson and Crick.
  3. They remain a cornerstone of diagnostic tools and scientific research.
