1. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

  1. The Zeroth Law establishes the concept of thermal equilibrium.
  2. If two systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a third system, they are in thermal equilibrium with each other.
  3. It provides the foundation for the measurement of temperature.
  4. Temperature is a property that determines whether systems are in thermal equilibrium.
  5. This law is fundamental to the design of thermometers.

2. First Law of Thermodynamics

  1. The First Law is the principle of conservation of energy.
  2. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed or transferred.
  3. The mathematical expression is: 
    ΔU = Q - W, where ΔU is the change in internal energy, Q is heat added, and W is work done.
  4. This law applies to all types of thermodynamic processes.
  5. It explains the relationship between heat and work in a system.
  6. In an adiabatic process, the change in internal energy is equal to the work done on or by the system.
  7. The first law is also known as the law of energy conservation.

3. Second Law of Thermodynamics

  1. The Second Law introduces the concept of entropy.
  2. It states that the entropy of an isolated system always increases over time.
  3. The second law explains the irreversibility of natural processes.
  4. It is expressed in terms of heat engines: 
    No engine can be 100% efficient in converting heat to work.
  5. Entropy measures the degree of disorder or randomness in a system.
  6. Two commonly stated versions are:
    • Kelvin-Planck statement: It is impossible to construct a cyclic engine that converts all heat into work.
    • Clausius statement: Heat cannot flow spontaneously from a colder body to a hotter body.
  7. The second law governs the direction of energy transfer.

4. Third Law of Thermodynamics

  1. The Third Law states that the entropy of a perfect crystal approaches zero as the temperature approaches absolute zero.
  2. At 0 K (absolute zero), a perfect crystal has only one possible configuration.
  3. This law provides a reference point for calculating absolute entropies.
  4. The third law is significant in low-temperature thermodynamics.
  5. It explains the unattainability of absolute zero, as infinite steps would be required to reach it.
  6. The law is essential for understanding the behavior of substances at extremely low temperatures.

Key Points

  1. The Zeroth Law establishes the concept of temperature and thermal equilibrium.
  2. The First Law is the principle of conservation of energy, relating heat, work, and internal energy.
  3. The Second Law introduces entropy and explains the irreversibility of natural processes.
  4. The Third Law states that the entropy of a perfect crystal is zero at absolute zero.
  5. The laws of thermodynamics govern all energy transformations and processes.
  6. Understanding these laws is crucial for solving problems in physics, chemistry, and engineering.
  7. The first law is foundational for energy conservation systems like engines and turbines.
  8. The second law explains why perpetual motion machines are impossible.
  9. The third law provides a framework for studying low-temperature systems.
  10. Thermodynamic laws apply universally to all types of physical systems.
