- The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) is one of the earliest urban civilizations in the world.
- It is also referred to as the Harappan Civilization, named after the site Harappa.
- Harappa was the first site of the Indus Valley Civilization, discovered in 1921 by Daya Ram Sahni.
- Mohenjo-Daro was discovered a year later, in 1922, by R.D. Banerjee.
- Both cities are located in present-day Pakistan – Harappa in Punjab and Mohenjo-Daro in Sindh.
- The two cities are examples of planned urban settlements with exceptional town planning.
- The layout of both cities followed a grid pattern, with streets crossing each other at right angles.
- Mohenjo-Daro means "Mound of the Dead" in Sindhi.
- The cities were divided into two parts: the Citadel (upper part) and the Lower Town (residential area).
- The Citadel housed important structures like the Great Bath and Granaries.
- The Great Bath of Mohenjo-Daro is a large, rectangular water structure likely used for ritual bathing.
- The Great Granary at Harappa was used for storing food grains.
- Both cities had an advanced drainage system with covered drains and connected sewerage lines.
- Houses were constructed using baked bricks of standardized sizes.
- Each house had bathrooms and wells for water supply, showing the importance of sanitation.
- The Harappans were skilled in metallurgy, using copper, bronze, gold, and silver.
- Evidence of crafts such as pottery, bead-making, and seal production has been found.
- The famous "Dancing Girl" statue, a bronze figurine, was discovered at Mohenjo-Daro.
- The "Priest-King" statue, made of steatite, represents the artistic excellence of the Harappans.
- Harappan seals, often made of steatite, depict animals, such as the unicorn, bull, and tiger.
- The script used by the Harappans remains undeciphered and consists of pictographic symbols.
- Evidence of cotton cultivation at Harappa makes the Harappans the earliest users of cotton.
- The economy of the Harappan Civilization relied on agriculture and trade.
- Main crops included wheat, barley, sesame, and peas.
- Both cities engaged in long-distance trade with regions like Mesopotamia, Persia, and Oman.
- The dockyard at Lothal in Gujarat highlights the importance of maritime trade.
- The Harappans worshipped a Mother Goddess, representing fertility and nature.
- Seals depicting Pashupati (proto-Shiva) suggest an early form of Shaivism.
- Burial practices in both cities indicate a belief in life after death, with grave goods buried alongside bodies.
- The fire altars discovered at Kalibangan suggest the performance of ritualistic ceremonies.
- Both Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa lacked evidence of temples or palaces, indicating an egalitarian society.
- Artifacts like toys, terracotta figurines, and utensils indicate a rich cultural life.
- Weights and measures used in trade were standardized, showing organized commerce.
- The cities were built near rivers – Harappa on the Ravi River and Mohenjo-Daro on the Indus River.
- Harappan pottery includes red and black ware with geometric designs.
- The cities lacked evidence of large-scale warfare, suggesting a peaceful society.
- Many scholars believe that flooding, climate change, deforestation, and Aryan invasion led to the decline of these cities.
- Rakhigarhi is now considered one of the largest Harappan sites, surpassing Mohenjo-Daro.
- The Harappans used bullock carts and boats for transportation.
- Domestic animals like cattle, sheep, goats, and buffaloes were reared for food and agriculture.
- Excavations at Harappa revealed granaries suggesting surplus food production.
- The Harappans had knowledge of weights, measures, geometry, and engineering.
- The cities were abandoned around 1900 BCE, marking the end of the urban Harappan phase.
- Both Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa remain key sites for understanding urban planning and early civilization.
- The Indus Valley Civilization's achievements in architecture, trade, art, and urbanization greatly influenced later cultures.
- Which city is known as the "Mound of the Dead"?
- Who discovered the city of Harappa in 1921?
- On which riverbank is Harappa located?
- Which river is associated with Mohenjo-Daro?
- In which year was Mohenjo-Daro discovered?
- The Great Bath was found in which Harappan city?
- Which material was mainly used in Harappan city construction?
- Which structure in Mohenjo-Daro is believed to be used for ritual bathing?
- What is the meaning of Mohenjo-Daro?
- What is the key feature of Harappan cities' layout?
- Which Harappan site had a dockyard?
- Which famous statue was found in Mohenjo-Daro?
- The Priest-King statue is made of which material?
- Harappan seals were made mostly of?
- What type of civilization was Harappan?
- Which script did the Harappans use?
- The Harappans worshipped which deity?
- Which animal frequently appears on Harappan seals?
- The Harappan civilization belongs to which age?
- Which site has evidence of fire altars?
- Which tool was primarily used for measuring weights and trade?
- What is the significance of the Great Granary?
- The famous "Dancing Girl" is made of which material?
- The decline of the Indus Valley Civilization is attributed to?
- What kind of drainage system existed in Harappan cities?
- Which site is the largest Harappan city discovered so far?
- Which structure proves Harappan maritime trade?
- Which crop was primarily cultivated by the Harappans?
- The Harappans domesticated which of the following animals?
- The Harappans were experts in?
- Which city provided evidence of multiple reservoirs?
- Which Harappan city is known for its bead-making industry?
- Where was the evidence of the ploughed field found?
- Which metal was NOT known to the Harappans?
- What does the presence of granaries suggest about the Harappans?
- The famous Bull Seal belongs to which civilization?
- Which archaeological site provides evidence of a well-planned cemetery?
- Harappan terracotta figurines were mainly used as?
- The Harappan civilization extended to which modern-day country?
- Harappan weights and measures were based on?
- Which material was commonly used for Harappan pottery?
- Harappan seals served what primary purpose?
- Which site is famous for its evidence of urban water reservoirs?
- Harappan houses had what distinguishing feature?