Election and functionsIntroductionThe Vice President is the second-highest constitutional office in India.Acts as the ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.Plays a crucial role in the functioning of the Parliament and…
Emergency provisions: Types and implicationsIntroductionEmergency provisions in the Indian Constitution are detailed under Part XVIII (Articles 352 to 360).They empower the President to address situations threatening the unity, security, or…
Election, impeachment, powers, and functionsIntroductionThe President of India is the Head of State and the first citizen of the country.The office is governed by Articles 52–62 of the Indian Constitution.The President acts as the nominal…
Relevance in contemporary timesIntroductionThe Fundamental Duties were introduced to remind citizens of their responsibilities towards the nation and society.In modern times, they play a crucial role in addressing various societal…
List of 11 Fundamental DutiesIntroductionThe Fundamental Duties were introduced through the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1976 and are enshrined in Part IV-A of the Indian Constitution under Article 51A.Initially, 10 duties…
42nd Amendment and introduction of dutiesIntroductionThe Fundamental Duties were added to the Indian Constitution through the 42nd Amendment Act, 1976.These duties are enshrined in Part IV-A of the Constitution under Article 51A.Inspired by…
Implemented provisions: Uniform Civil Code, Panchayati RajIntroductionThe Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) aim to guide the state in establishing a welfare state and achieving socio-economic justice.Some DPSP provisions have been implemented over…
Differences between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP)IntroductionFundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) are two significant components of the Indian Constitution.They aim to ensure justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity…
Landmark judgmentsIntroductionLandmark judgments play a pivotal role in interpreting and safeguarding Fundamental Rights.Two such landmark cases are the Kesavananda Bharati case (1973) and the Maneka Gandhi case (1978…
Restrictions and exceptionsIntroductionFundamental Rights are essential guarantees provided by the Constitution of India under Part III (Articles 12–35).While these rights are sacrosanct, they are subject to reasonable…