Federal structure with unitary biasIntroductionThe Indian Constitution establishes a federal system of governance with a strong unitary bias.It incorporates features of both federalism and unitarism, making it a unique form of…
Agricultural challengesIndia faces significant water scarcity issues, impacting irrigation and crop production.The dependence on monsoon rains makes Indian agriculture highly vulnerable to climate variability.Fragmentation…
Green revolution and its impactThe Green Revolution was initiated in the mid-1960s to increase agricultural productivity in India.It was introduced during the Third Five-Year Plan to address food shortages and dependency on…
Major cropsIndia is one of the largest producers of agricultural crops in the world, contributing significantly to the global food supply.Rice is the staple food crop and is grown extensively in the states of…
Conservation effortsConservation of natural vegetation and wildlife in India is crucial to maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance.The Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 provides the legal framework for the…
Wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, biosphere reservesIndia is home to a rich variety of wildlife due to its diverse ecosystems, including forests, grasslands, wetlands, and deserts.To protect and conserve its wildlife, India has established numerous…
Natural Vegetation and WildlifeIndia has diverse forest types due to its varied climate, topography, and soil conditions.Forests in India are classified into six major types: Tropical Evergreen, Tropical Deciduous, Montane, Thorny…
Climatic regions of IndiaIndia has a diverse climate due to its vast size, varying topography, and geographical location.The classification of India's climatic regions is based on the Köppen Climate Classification.The major…
SeasonsIndia experiences four distinct seasons due to its geographical location and climatic diversity.The main seasons in India are Winter, Summer, Monsoon, and Post-monsoon.Winter season lasts from…
MonsoonThe Indian monsoon is a seasonal wind system influencing the climate of the Indian subcontinent.Monsoon winds are caused by differential heating and cooling of land and sea.The two branches of the…